Price: £7.95
VAT: 20%
Daler Rowney Simply Watercolours are affordable, basic colours that can be used to paint on all conventional watercolour surfaces.With 12 bold and bright colours that can all be blended and mixed to create even more, you'll have everything you need to create that perfect watercolour scene.This Daler Rowney Watercolour set is ideal for use with watercolour pads or papers, but can be used for washes as well.The colours in the set include: White, Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Vermillion, Crimson Red, Coeruleum, Ultramarine, Sap Green, Viridian, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber and Black.12 ml each12 unique colours includedWater solublePerfect for beginners and experienced artists alike