daler rowney graduate acrylicdaler rowney system 3 acrylicwinsor&newton galeria acrylicdaler rowney cryla acrylicroyal amsterdam acrylicdaler rowney simply acrylicgolden heavy bodied acrylicgolden fluid acrylicssennelier abstract acrylicspebeo acrylic paintatelier interactive acrylicw&n artists acryliccheap acrylic paint
daler rowney acrylic mediumsw&n artist acrylic mediumsw&n galeria mediumsliquitex acrylic mediumspebeo acrylic mediumsgolden acrylic mediumsatelier interactive mediumssennelier acrylic mediums
essdee waterbased inkdaler rowney printing inkslino blockslino rollerslino cuttersblock printing setsblock printing accessoriesspeedball block printng inks
pebeo student gouachedaler rowney simply gouachew&n designers gouachedaler rowney designers gouache
higgins inksecoline liquid watercolour inkliquitex acrylic inkspinata alcohol inksschmincke aquadrop inksdaler rowney fw acrylic inkswinsor&newton drawing inksdr martins bombay indian inkswinsor&newton calligraphy inksindian and bleedproof inkskoh i noor inkschinese inksparker inks
daler rowney oil mediumsw&n artisan oil mediumsw&n oil painting mediumsbartoline and artstat medumszest it mediums
winsor and newton winton oildaler rowney georgian oilwinsor and newton artisan oilw&n griffin alkyd oilsw&n artists oilssennelier oil stickscranfield artist oil paintdaler rowney simply oildaler rowney graduate oilpebeo studio xl oil paintsvan gogh oil paints
additional accessorieslightingpalettesgummed tapeartist spongescolour wheelsapronsartist boxes and storagesprays and diffusers
readymix paintpowder paint
speedball screen printing inkscreen printing screensscreen printing setsscreen printing mediums
molotow inksgrog inksspray paint capsspray paint accessoriesmontana 94 spray paintmolotow spray paintloop spray paint
derwent watercolour paintroyal talens van goghkuretake gansai tambikoh i noor watercolourssennelier watercoloursdaniel smith watercoloursrosa gallery watercoloursdaler rowney aquafine w/cw&n cotman watercolourdaler rowney artists w/cw&n professional watercolourbrusho watercoloursakura koi watercoloursdaler rowney simply w/c
w&n watercolour mediumsloxley watercolour mediumsmasquepenpebeo watercolour mediumsdaniel smith w/c mediumsdaler rowney w/c mediums
brush rolls and casesbrush cleanersbrush pots and dipperswater brushes
pro arte hog brushes series bdaler rowney system 3 brusheswinsor&newton galeria brushesdaler rowney simply brushesw&n foundation acrylic brushesw&n foundation oil brushespebeo mixed media brush setsliquitex brushesw&n winton oil brushesroyal talens brushesdaler rowney bristlewhitedaler rowney georgian brushespro arte sterling acrylixpro arte series c hog brushesdaler rowney graduate brushespro arte acrylix brushes
rgm palette knivespalette knife sets
catalyst toolsvarnishing brusheschinese and calligraphyfine detail and modellingjapanese hake brushessword linersstencil brushespro arte twist grip brushesfoam brushes and rollers
daler rowney aquafine brushespro arte polar whitewinsor&newton cotmandaler rowney graduate brushesw&n foundation watercolourraphael brushespro arte kolinsky sablewinsor&newton series 7winsor&newton sablepanart reservoir brushespro arte rsq pure squirrelpro arte connoisseurpro arte rsm squirrel mixpro arte series 50 squirrelpro arte prolene
winsor and newton promarkerswinsor and newton brushmarkerfrisk alcohol marker setsspectrum noir alcohol markers
faber castell pitt brush pensakura pigma micron brush penskuretake cartoonist penspentel brush penswink of stellabruynzeel brush penstombow fudenosuke brush pens
chinese calligraphy penstraditional calligraphy penspilot parallel penspilot lettering penscalligraphy setssealing wax kits
sakura pigma micron pensstaedtler pigment linerswinsor and newton finelinersuni mitsubishi fine linersstaedtler triplus finelinersstabilo 88 finelinerspilot v finelinerskuretake zig sketching pensrotring pensbrunyzeel fineliner penspilot dr drawing pens
montana markersmolotow markersstaedtler lumocolour markersstaedtler metallic markerspentel markersuni mitsubishi markerschalk markersdaler rowney paint markersposca paint markerspebeo markersedding acrylic markerssharpie markersderwent graphik markerssakura liquid ink markerspilot liquid ink markers
kuretake zig art penskuretake brush penscaran dache watercolour pensecoline brush penstombow brushpens
seawhite kraft and black padspink pig black paper padssugar paper pads
royal talens sketchbooksdaler rowney sketching booksseawhite sketching bookswinsor&newton sketching bookspink pig sketchbookscanson sketching bookshahnemuhle sketching booksfabriano sketchbookspanart sketchbooks
daler rowney sketching padsseawhite sketching padswinsor&newton sketching padsclaire fontaine sketchpads
marker padslayout padstracing padsbristol boardgraph padsnewsprint pads
seawhite notebookskhadi notebooksbruynzeel journalsdaler rowney notebooks
arches watercolour padscanson watercolour padshahnemuhle watercolour padsbockingford watercolourdaler rowney watercolourfabriano watercolourkhadi watercolour padsfrisk watercolourseawhite watercolour padssaunders waterfordpanart watercolour padsroyal talens pads
origami paperpearlescent paper and cardglitter cardmirror and holographic cardkraft paper and cardsugar papertissue papercrepe papercorrugated rollscellophane
daler rowney card and paperseawhite card and papersouthfield card and paperfadeless paper rollsclairefontaine maya paper
arches watercolour paperbockingford watercolour paperfabriano watercolour paperkhadi watercolour paperdaler rowney langton paperseawhite watercolour papersaunders waterford paperstonehenge watercolour paperpanart watercolour paper
caran dache new school pencilsderwent coloursoft pencilsderwent studio pencilsderwent academy pencilsderwent lightfast pencilsdaler rowney simply pencilswinsor and newton pencilsderwent metallic pencilsvan gogh coloured pencilsbruynzeel coloured pencilspentel coloured pencilslyra graduate pencilskoh i nor coloured pencilscaran dache luminance
inscribe compressed charcoalkoh-i-noor graphite pencilsderwent graphite and xl blockswolffs carbon pencilsgenerals charcoal pencilschinagraph pencilscoates willow charcoalderwent charcoal and xl blocksdaler rowney natural charcoaljakar charcoalnitram charcoalartgraf
board clipsdrawing boardspastel fixativescolour shapersrubbers and eraserspencil sharpenerspencil extendersstumps and tortillonswooden manikinspencil cases and wrapsdrawing aids and toolstracedown transfer paper
derwent graphic pencilsbruynzeel graphic pencilsvan gogh sketching pencilsstaedtler pencilscreatacolour pencilsderwent drawing pencilsderwent sketching pencilsconte sketching pencilsrexel carpenters pencilsderwent graphitintlyra graphic pencils
staedtler mars microreplacment leadspentel a120jakar clutch pencilkoh i noor clutch pencilspentel fiesta pencils
daler rowney soft pastelsunison soft pastelsinscribe soft pastelsjakar pastelsconte soft pastelssennelier soft pastelsrembrandt soft pastelsvan gogh soft pastel sets
sennelier oil pastelsvan gogh oil pastelspentel oil pastels
conte carres pastelsdaler rowney hard pastels
conte pastel pencilsstabilo carbothello pencilsderwent pastel pencilsdaler rowney pastel pencilscaran dache pastel pencils
van gogh watercolour pencilsstaedtler ergosoft w/c pencilslyra graduate w/c pencilsbruynzeel watercolour pencilscaran dache supracolourderwent watercolour pencilsderwent inktense pencilsderwent inktense blockscaran dache neocolour iiderwent academy w/c pencilskoh-i-nor watercolour pencils
winsor and newton deep edgedaler rowney premium deep edgeloxley gold chunky canvasloxley ashgate chunky canvasseawhite deep edge canvas
daler rowney simply canvasdaler rowney premium canvasloxley gold standard canvaslolxey ashgate standard canvasdiscount canvaswinsor and newton canvasseawhite standard canvasmini canvas
ampersand boardsclaire fontaine canvas boardsglobal painting panelsloxley canvas boardswinsor and newton canvas boardseawhite wooden boardsfrisk primed wooden panelspebeo canvas boards
loxley canvas rollsdaler rowney canvas rollsseawhite canvas rolls
backing boardsslater harrison mountboarddaler rowney mountboard
grass rollsscenic scattercorkscale trees
fimonewclayplastercinesculpeydas clayquickcure clay
balsa woodsplywood sheetsspruce woodobeche wood
plastructplastic sheetsacetate sheets
k and s metalswire meshwiremetal sheets and rolls
airbrush gunsairbrush accessories
spray gluesglue penstapesgluesglue dots and tackglue guns and sticksvelcro
craft knivesscissorsreplacement bladesguillotines and cutters
jakar set squaresartisto set squaresjakar and loxley templateslettering templates
daler rowney cachet foliospresentation boxesringbindersprofessional presentersplastic presenters
solarfast kitstulip fabric paintpebeo setacolour fabric paintspentel fabric sticksartline fabric markersbatik wax and toolsluminere and neopaque paintfabric dyes
candle wax and colourantscandle mouldscandle wickscandle making kits
face painting setsface painting accessoriessnazaroo face paints
Price: £0.99 VAT: 20%
Delivery Info
Heavyweight, thick grey board, perfect as a stiffener or for making boxes. A4 in size and 2mm in thickness.
Not yet reviewed
CLICK AND COLLECT SERVICE (Order before 9.00 a.m, ready the same day after 1.00 p.m. Order after 9.00 a.m, ready the following day) FREE HOME DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £45 TELEPHONE ORDERS AVAILABLE ON 01484 422991
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