Price: £39.99
VAT: 20%
Pebeo Studio XL Oil Paint is ideal for working with matter, XL oil dries quickly to the touch and allows for additional coats after 3 days. XL Studio fine oil is suitable for all techniques, from glazes to thick layers and can, of course, be used in conjunction with mediums and auxiliaries. You can paint on a wide range of surfaces including canvas and canvas board. This set is a perfect starter set and represents excellent value for money. Colours: Dyna Orange Yellow, Dyna Red Blue, Dyna Blue Green, Dyna Violet Blue, Payne's Grey, Red Earth, Titanium White, Bright Yellow, Primary Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue, Vivid Red, Cadmium Light Red Hue, Magenta, Bright Pink, Vivid Pink, Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine Blue, Primary Phthalo Blue, Vivid Turquoise, Bright Blue, Bright Green, Sap Green, Ivory, Naples Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Red Ochre, Burnt Umber, Neutral Grey, Paynes Grey, Ivory Black Hue & 1 Bristle Brush.